Friday, September 27, 2013

A School of Singers!

Lead the way Miss. Reese!

Fantastic Friday!

Technology brings the world to our classroom!

Hands on math - dice game!

Partner math practice!

Shake it out  - posture perfect!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Swing Set Committee

We have a group of young ladies who are raising money to purchase additional swings for our playground.  Last year they hosted a "hot chocolate stand" and raised close to $100!  

Today, our group reconvened and began brainstorming fundraising ideas.  Be on the look out for a beautiful bracelet sale and a delicious bake sale.

One small smiley group can help big dreams come true!
(I just love these ladies!)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Self Portriats

Our 4th grade students are completing their Art Benchmark Exam.  Students are challenged with creating a self portrait and writing about it.  Once the assessment is carefully reviewed and scored, the data gathered is used to guide Mrs. Patry's instruction.  The students are given the same assessment at the end of the school year so that actual student growth can be determined. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2nd Grade Writers!

I was extremely impressed with the writing I saw in 2nd grade today.  Fantastic job boys and girls!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

They are SOAKED!

Our 4th grader students got a little wet during their science lesson.... 

Hands on Learning!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ready - Set - Go!

At all three elementary buildings our new K-5 math program includes a district wide approach to teaching math.  Within the curriculum teachers conduct lesson openers that involve quick counting and skip counting that support the development of math fact fluency.  Another instructional component in the math program is something called a, "Sprint".  Almost every day students will engage with a Sprint activity. The instructional goal of our math "opener" and a "Sprint" is to build fast, thoughtful, thinking skills and math fluency. 

The teachers and the students are just learning how to participate in the opening activity and the classroom "Sprint'.  The exciting thing is that all students K-5 are participating in similar activities.  As a result, the strategies, routine, and lesson structure of our math block is now seamless from grade level to grade level.  Here is short clip showing one 2nd grade classroom participating in their opening activity and a 2nd and 5th grade classroom finishing up their "Sprint". Given only one minute to complete the Sprint - today - a clap or a "whoop" meant they got the answer correct!   

Engaged students!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Morning

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly everyone falls right back into the routine of "school".  This morning, in every room I entered, students looked like learners 
teachers looked like they were 
right where they were suppose to be!

Welcome Back!

3rd Grade Math

Kindergarten ELA

3rd Grade Math

Kindergarten ELA

First Grade ELA

First Day Celebration 2013!

School started off with a bang this year!  Welcome back signs lined our sidewalk and students were greeted by excited teachers.  
At 1:30 we gathered in our gym for our First Day Celebration Ceremony.  Mrs. Sadlocha and the Riverside Action Hero introduce our school theme... 

A Riverside Hero is Character in Action! 

Jared Cambell, a professional performer, then engaged the audience with interactive songs and stories.  
It was a fantastic start to our school year.
