Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Technology in the "Hands" of Students

After taking an ELA test, students worked with SMART Response Clickers to review commonly missed questions.  With the questions presented on the Smart Board students used their "clickers" to select the answer they believed to be correct.  Within seconds a graph was shown on the Smart Board indicating the percent of students that selected each answer. This evolved into thoughtful dialogue regarding why a particular response was chosen. Mrs. Johnson used this as a springboard to review the importance of key words in a question and instructional strategies that students should be using in an effort to 
identify the correct answer.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I love how this works and the children really look forward to doing it. They don't even know they're working. The instant graph that compares all the answers is an excellent tool to help the students understand why certain answers might look correct and still be wrong.

