Our beautiful RS students have been very busy today! Thanks to the creative planning of our teachers, students were immersed in literature - they were moving - they were offering thoughtful responses - and they were doing hands on follow up activities!
And folks, the vocabulary that these children are using - in context - is amazing!
Take a peek....
Mrs. Saggese's class is learning about the five senses. When I asked a child what they were learning about his response included words like,"sound waves" and "vibrations"!
Literature circles allow students to read books at their grade level. The focus is comprehension and the questions that follow challenge students to make connections and think beyond the text.
In Miss Novellano's math class student were using the terms, "equations" and "number sentences" flawlessly when responding to questions.
In Mr. Lane's classroom, the 4th grade students were responding/reflecting/writing about the Iroquois Confederacy.
Mrs. Saggese's class was getting the wiggles out while singing and rhyming!
Check out the vocabulary in the Listening and Learning strand! Students are using the words appropriately!
Apples - apples - apples!
Math their way in Mr. W's class.
Using a hands on approach - Mrs. Ferrara helps our students with initial sound fluency!